Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newletter. July 4, 2023
Why Support for the 2018 US-Backed Coup Collapsed
President Daniel Ortega: Assange won the Peace Prize of the Peoples of the World “Assange has already won, from the very moment he made those courageous denunciations knowing that the intelligence and security organizations of the United States, combined with the Europeans, could assassinate him, Assange won the recognition of the peoples and therefore won the peace prize of the peoples of the world. Not the Nobel Prize that is given to those who then destroy, invade, murder, bomb. Assange is recognized and we recognize him as having won the peace prize for his courage, for his dignity, for his firmness and we stand in solidarity in this day with this man who has acted with enormous conscience and with great courage and now, well, he is on the brink of going to the gallows there in the United States of America.”
John Perry, Dan Kovalik: The attempted 2018 coup in Nicaragua: why its support collapsed In the third of four articles, we see how the initial support for the insurrection peaked and then faded under a wave of kidnapping, torture, and deadly violence. By late June and early July 2018, patience with the insurrection had evaporated and most Nicaraguans simply wanted a return to the peace and stability that existed beforehand. Even those who were not government supporters, including many who initially joined the protests, could see where they were leading. They had experienced the benefits of a Sandinista government and (if they were old enough) the previous attempt to overthrow it violently, in the 1980s.
Video (June 1979) The Final Offensive Associated Press short documentary on the struggle against US backed Somoza regime, 44 years ago.
GeoPolitical Economy: US owes Nicaragua reparations, must implement 1986 International Court of Justice ruling 37 years after the ruling, the US still refuses to pay Nicaragua the reparations it legally owes, and today Nicaragua is demanding the UN take action. A contra leader in 1986 said their war on Nicaragua “was premeditated policy to terrorize civilian noncombatants to prevent them from cooperating with the Government. Hundreds of civilian murders, mutilations, tortures and rapes were committed in pursuit of this policy.” Admitting the contras were “CIA puppets”, Chamorro wrote that “the ‘contras’ burn down schools, homes and health centers as fast as the Sandinistas build them”. President Daniel Ortega’s letter to the UN regarding the judgment of the International Court of Justice in favor of Nicaragua and against US aggression, June 27th 1986
Upcoming Events:
July 16 in front of the White House: Celebrate and Defend the Sovereignty of Latin American countries! Oppose US interference in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Peru, Cuba, Haiti, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico
July 23 webinar: Why is Nicaragua’s Important in Today’s World? Hear from visitors to Nicaragua for the 44th anniversary celebration of the Revolution.
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition:
Our monthly zoom meetings: Second Monday of the month, 2:30 PM ET email to join
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