Welcome to Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition archive where you can find informative, well-researched articles from sources that respect Nicaragua’s sovereignty & affirm its achievements.


Articles by Date (in reverse chronological order) 

“Honduran Children Along the Coco River are Educated in Nicaraguan Schools.” NicaNotes, 22 July 2023 by Marcel Osorto. San Andrés de Wiwilí de Jinotega school, Luis Gomez, Francisco Morazán

“The Best Health Care Money Can’t Buy: Nicaragua’s Free Universal System.” NicaNotes, 13 July 2023 by Becca Renk. Fernando Vélez Paiz Hospital, El Porvenir, family and community health care model, prevention, mobile clinics

“Nicaragua: On the Fifth Anniversary of a Coup Attempt, Conflicting Accounts Persist.” COHA, 7 July 2023 by John Perry. Faber López Vivas, police officer, “possible extrajudicial execution,” Amnesty International, unilateral coercive measures (sanctions)

“The Attempted Coup in Nicaragua in 2018: Why Support for it Collapsed.” Morning Star, 27 June 2023 by Dan Kovalik and John Perry. “national dialogue,” roadblocks, Mother’s Day march, arson, priests

“Money Under the Cassock.” NicaNotes, 8 June 2023 by Fabrizio Casari. Nicaraguan Catholic Church, money laundering, terrorist activities, Somocismo, 2018 coup attempt

“Defending Nicaragua During the 2018 Coup Attempt.” NicaNotes, 1 June 2023 by Edwin Mendoza. July 19 Sandinista Youth Association, Managua District 6 Mayor’s office, Josué Sandino, Lentt Perez Rivera, Carlos Alberto Miranda

“Education for the Good of Humanity: An interview with Salvador Vanegas about Nicaragua’s Education Policies.” Morning Star Online, 30 May, 2023 by Roger McKenzie. Education, Neoliberal, Inclusive Model, Pedagogy, Backpacks

“Masaya in Flames: Five Years Afterwards.” Counterpunch, 29 May 2023 by John Perry. 2018 coup attempt, Monimbó, Bishop Silvio Baez, Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS), Magdalena church, Comandito 

“The Experience of Nicaragua in Managing the Covid Pandemic.” NicaNotes, 25 May 2023 by Coleen Littlejohn. vaccines, free health care, Family and Community Health Model, maternal wait homes, Ministry of Health (MINSA)

“Nicaraguan Immigration Down Despite US Efforts to Encourage it.” Covert Action Magazine, 18 May 2023 by Nan McCurdy. [In Spanish here] 2018 US-backed coup attempt, sanctions, pandemic, Costa Rica, CBP One Parole process (cell-phone app)

“’Peaceful Protest’ a Tool for Regime Change.” Morning Star, 14 May 2023 by Dan Kovalik and John Perry. coup attempt, social media manipulation, class war, Dora Maria Tellez, roadblocks

“What We Learned about AgroEcology from Nicaragua.” NicaNotes, 11 May 2023 by Rick Kohn. En español aquí. University group learns about agroecology and food sovereignty in rural areas in Nicaragua. monoculture, nutrient cycles, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, genetic engineering

“Unity Through Sports: Nicaragua Participates in ALBA Games.” NicaNotes, 4 May 2023 by Becca Renk. [In Spanish here] unilateral economic coercive measures, Kenpo Karate, Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, Ciudad Sandino, Nicaraguan Sports Institute (IND), Nicaraguan Mixed Martial Arts Commission (CONAMMIP)

“Book Review: Nicaragua: A history of US Intervention & Resistance, By Dan Kovalik”. COHA, 29 April 2023 by Jill Clark-Gollub and John Perry. Monroe Doctrine, Neoliberal, food sovereignty, “food imperialism,” forgiveness and reconciliation

“A Timeline of Events in Nicaragua, April – July 2018.” Tortilla con Sal, 13 April 2023 by Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition. US failed coup attempt, Indio Maíz fire, social security reform,  “human rights” organizations, roadblocks

“Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy.” NicaNotes, 13 April 2023, Sara Flounders. Padre Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann, Ramsey Clark, The Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations, Sanctions Kill Campaign, unilateral coercive measures

“Five Years Ago in Nicaragua a Coup Attempt Begins.” MRonline, 12 April 2023 by Dan Kovalik and John Perry. NICA Act, economic sanctions, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), USAID, US intervention

 “The United Nations is Being Used by the U.S. in its Propaganda War Against Nicaragua.” Covert Action Magazine, 1 April 2023 by John Perry. UN Human Rights Council report, US-backed 2018 violent coup attempt, clemency, “extrajudicial killings,” unilateral coercive measures (sanctions)

“Gracias a Dios: The People’s Church in Nicaragua.” NicaNotes, 30 March 2023 by Becca Renk. Christian Base Community, Catholic Church, preferential option for the poor, liberation theology, 2018 U.S.-led coup attempt, Bishop Rolando Álvarez

“Action Alert: UN Human Rights Report on Nicaragua is Fatally Flawed and Should be Withdrawn.” NicaNotes, 23 March 2023 by Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (NSCAG). GHREN, regime change campaign, economic coercive measures (sanctions), failed 2018 coup attempt, Nicaraguan Commission for Truth, Justice and Peace

“Reconciliation does not Mean Forgetting in Nicaragua.” NicaNotes, 16 March 2023 by Jill Clark-Gollub. hybrid warfare tactics, 2018 US-backed coup attempt,“Argentina, 1985,” National Endowment for Democracy (NED), human rights industrial complex, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN)

“Saint Peter Loses His Balance.” El 19 Digital, 13 March 2023 by Fabrizio Casari. Pope Francis, Monsignor Rolando Alvarez, history of the Vatican, Italian mafia, 2018 coup attempt

“Vulgar Popes, Decrepit Churches, Small Homelands and Large Homelands.” Managua con Amor, 13 March 2023 by Jorge Capelán. Pope Francis, terrorist Rolando Alvarez, neoliberal, neocolonial

“We’re Not Fighting for Space Anymore.” NicaNotes, 9 March 2023 by Becca Renk. 50-50 Gender Parity Mandate, women’s police stations, Zero Usury lending program, Zero Hunger program, maternity waiting homes, free education

“Nicaragua’s ‘Political Prisoners’ Would be Criminals by US Standards.” FAIR, 2 March 2023 by John Perry. 2018 coup attempt, sanctions, January 6 attack on US Capitol, transparency laws, amnesty

“Why 222 Nicaraguan Criminals Were Deported and Why They and Others Lost Their Citizenship.” Nicasolidarity.net, 2 March 2023 by Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition. 2018 US-directed coup attempt, amnesty, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), media terrorism, Cuesta de Plomo, Movimiento Renovador Sandinista (MRS)

“Women in Nicaragua: Power and Active Participation.” NicaNotes, 23 Feb. 2023, Delegation Report Back (January 2023). gender parity, health, education, land titles, transportation

“A Nation’s Sovereignty and Dignity are Not Negotiable.” NicaNotes, 16 Feb. 2023 by Daniel Ortega. US-funded 2018 Violent Coup Attempt, “Political Prisoners,” Humanitarian Parole, January 6 Attack on US Capitol, Auxiliary Bishop Silvio Baez

“New US Immigration Policies’ Effect on Nicaragua.” Dissident Voice, 11 Feb. 2023 by Nan McCurdy. parole process, sanctions, brain drain, deportation

“Nicaragua’s flower Is in Full Bloom Despite US’s Vicious Efforts to Destroy It.” NicaNotes, 2 Feb. 2023 by S. Brian Willson. Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS), 2018 Coup Attempt, Coronavirus Death Rate, Nicaragua Historical Combatants for Peace, Organization of Revolutionary Disabled

“Sixteen Years of Sandinista Government.” NicaNotes, 26 Jan. 2023 by Erving Vega. United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Zero Hunger, Health Care, Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water

Nicaragua Stands Out in Latin America with Its Lower Poverty Rate.” NicaNotes, 19 Jan. 2023, Interview, Estudio TN8. social rights, housing, distribution of wealth, productive infrastructure, Nicaraguan Development Institute

“Latin America and Caribbean, Year 2022 in Review – Challenges for a Pink Tide Surging Over a Volatile US Hegemony.” NicaNotes, 12 Jan. 2023 by Roger D. Harris. neoliberal, multilateralism, socialism, sanctions, economic opportunities

“Nicaraguan migrants at the U.S. border – are they being ‘pushed’ or ‘pulled?’” NicaNotes, 5 Jan. 2023 by John Perry. “repressive dictatorships,” economic opportunities, remittances, 2018 violent coup attempt, economic sanctions

Tourism in Nicaragua: A practical guide, 23 May 2023. [pdf book]

Adventure Tourism in Nicaragua, May 2023. [pdf book]