Nicaragua Webinars Series

11 August 2024

Celebrating 45/19:  Nicaragua's Revolution Lives On

Join us to hear an inspirational report-back from many participants who were in Nicaragua to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the country’s July 19 triumph and ongoing Revolution. The webinar is in English only, with a translated captions option.

Confirmed speakers: Becca Renk, Natalia Burdynska Schuurman, Petros Bein, Brandy Gonzalez, Jason Cohen, and Yhamir Chabur.


Past Webinars

June 13, 2024

Hands Off Uhuru! Drop the Charges on the Uhuru 3!

Learn more about the Uhuru 3, who face trial as alleged “agents of a foreign government” because of their advocacy for Africa. The Uhuru movement also has long ties with Nicaragua.

May 2024

Nicaragua's Historic & Ongoing Solidarity with Palestine

Featuring Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch, Palestinian; Yoav Elinvesky, Israeli-American; & Coleen Littlejohn, Nicaragua resident & development economist

June 23, 2024

Weaponizing Human Rights: Arrow in the Quiver of Empire

Examines the ways human rights can be manipulated for geopolitical ends & used to justify illegal coercive measures like sanctions.

April 2024

Recent Elections on Nicaragua's Autonomous Caribbean Coast

What does “autonomy” mean for the Caribbean Coast regions of Nicaragua?  Featuring Johnny Hodgson, recognized as a Father of Autonomy for leading the movement to restore the rights of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples

March 2024

Brave Women, Strong Women: Power and Protagonism in Nicaragua

A report-back from a January 2024 delegation who explored Nicaraguan women’s roles and experiences as active protagonists in society

February 2024

The Evolution of Education in Nicaragua

Spanish & English. Featuring the development of Nicaragua's plan to make education available to all. Speakers: Juan Salvador Mendez, Directors’ Council member, Ministry of Education; & Maria Esmeralda Aguilar Gutiérrez, Deputy Director, Vocational Training, National Technological Institute (INATEC)