Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.19.2023:

G77+China Summit in Havana & Daniel Ortega’s Speech

Daniel Ortega’s speech at Group of 77+China: The imperialists, the colonialists of the Earth, have not been able to kill the fighting spirit, the dignity of the Peoples of the World      “The enemy [Global North] wants to control our land and impose its hegemony on the entire world, and behold it confronting China violently because it stands against hegemony.” Ortega stressed that Beijing’s rapprochement seeks the development and welfare of the people. In this sense, he said that China “approaches the peoples in Asia, in Africa, in Latin America, not to impose sanctions, but to contribute to the progress and welfare of our peoples.” He also referred to the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba, rejecting “the imposition of laws and regulations with extraterritorial effects.” The prolongation of the U.S. blockade against Cuba for another year is an action against all the peoples of the global South.

President Xiomara Castro’s speech at G77 + China Third, that the member countries of the G77+China commit to rejecting and not complying with coercive measures, such as sanctions or blockades against our member countries, we strongly denounce the unjust blockade against Venezuela and Nicaragua… want here to recognize President Díaz-Canel for continuing the historical legacy of the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, Army General Raúl Castro, Commander Hugo Chávez Frías, Lula Da Silva, Manuel Zelaya Rosales, Cristina, Rafael, Evo, Daniel, Nicolás Maduro and other founders of CELAC, for having resisted the systematic neoliberal and lawfare attack and to maintain the will to grow our integration.

Cuba President Diaz-Canel speech at Group of 77+China: It is necessary to dismantle, now, the international barriers that have obstructed access by the developing countries “We are also faced, of course, with the immense challenges generated by the prevailing unjust international order; but we are not alone. Today we’re 134, equating to over two-thirds of the UN member states and accounting for 80% of the world population. This summit is taking place at a time when mankind has achieved a level of scientific/technical progress unimaginable a couple of decades ago, conferring an incredible capacity for generating wealth and well-being which, in times of greater equality, equity and justice, could ensure decent, comfortable and sustainable living standards for practically every inhabitant of this planet. In the midst of the most tremendous scientific/technical advance of all time, the world has regressed three decades as regards reducing extreme poverty, with levels of hunger not witnessed since 2005. In the so-called Third World, over 84 million children are without schooling and over 660 million have no electricity; why only 36% of the population use the internet in the least advanced countries and the landlocked developing nations, compared with 92% in the industrialized world…

Declaration of the G77+China Summit in Havana A 47 point declaration of the Group’s Summit on Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation. Highlighting the current challenges faced by countries in the Global South, particularly the unjust international economic system, the statement underscored the pressing need for a comprehensive reform of the multilateral financial framework and the adoption of a more inclusive and coordinated approach. The draft statement firmly opposed the imposition of unilateral coercive measures and sanctions, emphasizing that they are in violation of the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law. Representatives of about 100 countries are participating in the Havana Summit.

Kawsachun News (Rick Kohn): Sanctions Impacts on Nicaragua The US already imposed sanctions on Nicaragua, but they haven’t yet brought about the kind of hunger and poverty and suffering that some US policymakers think is necessary to overthrow the popular government. There is a new sanctions bill co-sponsored by Marco Rubio and Tim Kaine that will try to further depress the Nicaraguan economy, increase unemployment, decrease revenue for the government’s popular programs so the government will be less popular. The stated goal is the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government and a “free and fair election” to replace Daniel Ortega. 

Les Deux Rives: In Nicaragua, the police the most feminist in the world At a ceremony to mark the 44th anniversary of the Nicaraguan National Police, President Daniel Ortega stressed the importance of sexual parity in Nicaraguan institutions, and in particular in the police, where there are all-female police stations to combat sexual and gender-based violence. Ortega recalled the attitude of the Nicaraguan opposition to this struggle for gender equality. “Today, on this 44th anniversary, the cowards, the sellouts, the machistas are crying out because we respect a principle that is not new to Nicaragua, namely parity in governing bodies, in institutions, in the National Assembly, in the municipalities, we said 50% men, 50% women.” [Also see the notice further below about Sunday’s (Sept. 24) webinar on the Nicaraguan police.]

Black Agenda Report interview with Camila Escalante on NPR’s anti-Nicaragua Propaganda Camila joins us from Managua, Nicaragua, to discuss a recent segment of the National Public Radio podcast The Sunday Story, which featured an interview with Eyder Peralta, an NPR correspondent who reported on a recent visit to Nicaragua in which he made many untrue statements. We will talk about how corporate media serve state propaganda.

Morning Star: Sandinista tells Marx Memorial Library meeting ‘we will continue fighting for our revolution’ Even with the gains made in Nicaragua such as free education and healthcare and major house and road building programs, the country is constantly demonized by mainstream media and by some on the left. Abigail Espinoza Munoz, a FSLN activist in Masaya, said: “We voted for Comandante Ortega because he is the best president we ever had in the history of our country. We have built 26 new hospitals in the last 17 years. In the years of neoliberal government all you got was a slip of paper that said you had to go and buy whatever you needed to make you well. Health is now free in our country and I am so proud of our government. We are Sandinistas and we are still here and we will continue fighting for our revolution regardless of any sanctions against us.”


September 23 – November 18: virtual course, Ben Linder Solidarity School,  9 week class (two hours a week) Topics include: Nicaragua and the Sandinista Revolution; History and current context of Latin America and US imperialism; ATC and peasant organizations / social movements; Food Sovereignty and Agroecology; Solidarity and Internationalism.

Webinar September 24: The Nicaraguan Community Policing Model How do the Nicaraguan police sustain one of the lowest crime rates, and highest levels of citizen trust, in all of Latin America?  A key answer is their much-heralded community-based model. Join us to hear two prominent speakers from the Nicaragua National Police:  Commissioner General Jaime Vanegas Vega, Inspector General, and Commissioner General Vilma Rosa Gonzalez, Head of Public Relations.  Spanish – English interpretation provided.  Register here or at

October 21-22: (Madrid) Encuentro Sandinista de Solidaridad con Nicaragua Organizations from different parts of the Spanish state in the Sandinista Meeting of Solidarity with Nicaragua.

January 27, 2024: Latin America conference in London 18th annual conference in solidarity with Latin American progressive movements.

Upcoming Delegations to Nicaragua

Casa Ben Linder delegations January 6-14, January 20-February 1, and February 10-19; Advances & Autonomy Brigade: Rights of Indigenous & Afrodescendant Peoples on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (October 9), 2:30 PM ET

Email in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.

Organizations:  Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows. join at

Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes:

Facebook: Friends of Sandinista NicaraguaNicaragua Solidarity Coalition

Twitter: @SolidarityNica

Instagram: @NicaSolidarity

Other Valuable Resources from Our Members & Partners

Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign 

Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group 

Friends of the ATC Nicaragua

Donate to Help Build the work of the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Any donation helps, but monthly contributions can expand our work to combat the constant disinformation against Nicaragua. Make sure to write “Nica Coalition” in the online donation space, or on the memo line of a check mailed to our fiscal sponsor, Casa Baltimore/Limay, PO Box 66053, Baltimore, MD 21239

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition is an international coalition of organizations and individuals in solidarity with Nicaragua, supporting its sovereignty and affirming its achievements. We are not affiliated with any governmental entity of any nation. We provide accurate, verifiable information and other resources about Nicaragua, and we work to counter misinformation about the country disseminated by the media, public events, and other sources. We share information from a variety of sources, including our personal experiences, in light of Nicaraguan history and current conditions. We publicize activities organized by our members, including international delegations to Nicaragua and webinars with knowledgeable speakers from inside and outside the country. We welcome others to join us.


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.26.2023


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.12.2023