12.3.2024: Human Rights Day Protest against US Sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua; Nicaragua’s Constitutional Reforms

Tortilla con Sal (John Perry): Biden Declares Another ‘National Emergency’ Because of the Threat Posed by Tiny Nicaragua Biden recently renewed Nicaragua posing an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States,” a designation that began with Trump. This “threat” comes from a state which spends less of its national income on defense than almost any other country in the hemisphere. It even spends slightly less than neighboring Costa Rica, which has no army. Its total national income (GDP) is the equivalent of a small US city. The US-instigated 2018 uprising that shook Nicaragua lasted roughly three months, resulted officially in 251 deaths (including 22 police officers; others put the total deaths as higher) and over 2,000 injured. It allegedly “caused $1 billion in economic damages.” Today, life expectancy in Nicaragua is one of the longest in Latin America, despite its income per capita being among the lowest. ECLAC, a UN economic commission, showed that Nicaragua has comprehensive health care and advances in education, social housing, transport, electricity, drinking water coverage, and transition to renewable energy.

Nicaraguan Government Statement: With the Russian Federation Always Supporting Peace Our Indispensable and Permanent Solidarity with the Russian Federation, fighting hard against Fascism and at all costs defending Peace, which is the Right of everyone to live peacefully, securely, in Brother and Sisterhood, as God commands, and as we urgently need. Because another World has been born which we are making possible, defending Life, based on the Values and Ideals of Families everywhere who demand Peace, Responsibility and Security, so as to work and progress. At the same time as we denounce the cowardly gangsters, enslavers and genocidal destroyers of the World, we fully support everything that should be done and is being done, to guarantee Life and Peace, which are Sacred Rights of Humanity.

TeleSur: Constitutional Reforms Reaffirm Nicaraguans as Holders of Political Power: William Grigsby Vado Among the changes made are the following: Co-Presidency and Succession: through a reform of Article 133, Nicaraguan lawmakers created the position of “Co-President.” Expansion of Executive Powers: the constitutional reforms grant the presidency greater control over the legislative, judicial, and electoral branches. It was also established that the presidency is the supreme authority over the Nicaraguan Army, the National Police, and the Ministry of the Interior. Voluntary Police and Statelessness: the constitutional reform institutionalizes the “Voluntary Police” and introduces the concept of statelessness as a punishment for those deemed “traitors to the homeland.” National Symbols: the red-and-black flag of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) will now be considered a national symbol. Church and Press: the reform prohibits religious organizations and churches from engaging in activities that threaten public order. It also consolidates the state’s authority to combat fake news.

Interview on the Economy with Comrade Wálmaro Gutiérrez, Deputy of the Sandinista Front If you look at the pattern from 2020 to 2023, we have a consolidated growth of 19.7%, very few economies in the region can say that. All the expenses that I like to call Social Investment, all the Social Investment in Free and Quality Health, in Education, in Infrastructure, in Productive Credits, in the Agricultural Sector, in Citizen Security, in Rural Electrification, in Drinking Water and Sanitary Sewerage. In short, everything that is the guidelines of the National Plan for Human Development and the Fight against Poverty of our Government, are fully and safely financed. China is financing the International Airport, it is going to finance our Deep Water Port. It is financing Solar Powered Electricity Generation Plants. There is also Russia, there is also Belarus, they are financing us in a very sustained and very determined way, especially in Goods and Services.

RT: More than just roofs and walls: State program offers decent housing to Nicaraguans The Bismarck Martinez housing program has facilitated the construction, financing and delivery of more than 5,200 homes and nearly 2,600 lots in five Managua developments. Of these, 60% have been allocated to women, recognizing their fundamental role in building homes and creating prosperous communities. The Daniel Ortega government has delivered more than 140,000 homes in the last 17 years.

Prensa Latina: Nicaragua beefs up public transportation with Chinese buses Vice President Rosario Murillo announced that 400 buses just arrived from China, as a reinforcement of the current national public transportation stock. She specified that the buses will serve Nicaraguan families on the intermunicipal routes from Managua to the Caribbean Coast.

Americas Quarterly: Trump’s Comeback Could Disrupt Latin America’s Remittances For decades, remittances have been a critical pillar of Latin American and Caribbean economies, representing a lifeline for the poorest families and a major boost for the region’s middle classes. A record $159 billion was received last year, up from $62 billion a decade ago. Nicaragua receives remittances of $5.2 billion, equivalent to about 28% of GDP, Honduras (26%), El Salvador (24%), Guatemala (20%), Haiti (18%) and Jamaica (17%).



December 9: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition monthly zoom meeting, 2:30 PM ET.  Email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com in advance to request Zoom access.

December 10-15: Human Rights Week of Actions: Protest Sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Palestine  Forum Dec 10, 7pm ET on Zoom. Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tZBOyiJPQOudUzHUjOS2Eg

Or 6:30 in-person in Washington, DC. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/forum-on-human-rights-human-rights-right-to-live-tickets-1099262456599?aff=oddtdtcreator

Sign and share our petition asking Congress to end sanctions on Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela: https://sanctionskill.org/time-to-reexamine-us-sanctions-policy/

Dec 11 6pm: Rally in front of the White House to Take Cuba Off the List!


Engage with the social media campaign and find more details on the Week of Actions webpage:  bit.ly/2024-human-rights-week


December 12, 3pm ET Webinar Trump, Hands off Latin America, No to Racism and Intervention Rodolfo Pastor, Former Secretary of the Presidency, Honduras; Alex Main, Director of International Policy at the Center for Economic & Policy Research; Francisco Dominguez (VSC & NSCAG); Claudia Turbet-Delof (Bolivia); Bernard Regan (CSC); Maria Perez Ramos (Mexico) & more tba including guests from Argentina & Brazil.

January 28-31: Havana, Cuba: VI International Conference For World Balance This conference cultivates partnerships and formulates actionable strategies to propel us towards a more equitable and just global community. Organized by the Office of the Martí Program and co-sponsored by UNESCO and Soka Gakkai International.

February 8, London: Latin America Conference This will be the 19th annual Latin America Adelante! Conference.


Casa Ben Linder 2025 Delegations to Nicaragua

Email casabenjaminlinder@gmail.com to apply:

20 February – 1 March 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Arquipelago

6-16 March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua

May 2025: Co-ops and Communities: Cooperative Movement in Nicaragua

June 2025: Global Health: Family and Community Health in Nicaragua

July 2025: Solidarity in Action: Nicaragua’s Popular Revolution

November 2025: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: nicasolidarity.com 

Sign up to receive the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition bi-weekly newsletter; action alerts, event notifications:  bit.ly/NicaSubs

Listserve: nicanet@googlegroups.com join at groups.google.com/g/nicanet

Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes: https://afgj.org/signup

Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

Twitter: @SolidarityNica

Instagram: @NicaSolidarity


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition is an international coalition of organizations and individuals in solidarity with Nicaragua, supporting its sovereignty and affirming its achievements. We are not affiliated with any governmental entity of any nation. We provide accurate, verifiable information and other resources about Nicaragua, and we work to counter misinformation about the country disseminated by the media, public events, and other sources. We share information from a variety of sources, including our personal experiences, in light of Nicaraguan history and current conditions. We publicize activities organized by our members, including international delegations to Nicaragua and webinars with knowledgeable speakers from inside and outside the country. We welcome others to join us.


12.17.2024: Sanctions webinar; Daniel Ortega Speeches; Uhuru 3 Victory


11.19.2024: Nicaragua Remembers Carlos Fonseca; Protest US Sanctions; Visiting Nicaragua