6.18.2024: Interview with Laureano Ortega; Sexual Diversity rights in Nicaragua; CAFTA treaty and proposed US sanctions; Upcoming Events
Nicaragua’s Laureano Ortega: We see with great optimism the strengthening of this new multilateral world order Interview with Laureano Ortega, Special Representative of the President of Nicaragua for Affairs with Russia, at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. Ortega points out that Russia helped to establish the Latin American Institute of Biotechnology Mechnikov Plant, which produces vaccines to combat various illnesses, and the Nuclear Medicine Center with ROSATOM, devoted to dealing with cancers.
He adds, “The birth of the new world order has awakened with greater force, the strengthening of the new blocs, such as the BRICS, such as the Eurasian Economic Union, which have been strengthening; the Strategic Alliance between Russia and China, with Iran also there strengthening its capacities, and the Latin American countries that play a fundamental role in the development of the new work model….We are making large investments in infrastructure in our country with the sister People’s Republic of China.”
“We are first of all with Russia in this great battle that they are waging against fascism in Ukraine; we have supported that Joint Declaration of China and Brazil, as a viable measure to contribute to a peaceful, political solution to this situation that is regrettable due to the number of deaths it causes. But we see as the main obstacle the United States and its European allies, who are financing, fomenting, and promoting hatred there in Ukraine, financing, fomenting and promoting death, and financing, encouraging and promoting the military industry, which is the big business they have. So long as they do not give up on that objective of ending Russia, and then they go after China, and then all the countries that have a different ideology, their own model, we have to be firm, firm with Russia, because we know that the victory of Russia is certain.”
Becca Renk: We are all Nicaragua: The Sexual Diversity Community In 2008, following the Sandinista party’s return to power, a law was passed overturning the penalization of homosexuality and making it illegal to discriminate against someone based on sexual orientation. Since then, the Sandinista government has also passed laws specifically guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, public institutions have administrative regulations in place to ensure that no one faces discrimination for their sexual orientation or gender identity.
In 2023, the Nicaraguan government released a primer on sexual diversity called “Diversity with Dignity: The Right to Choose and the Duty to Respect.” The primer is written for families and its aim is to decrease discrimination within families. The primer was initially presented around the country in community meetings with a special focus to include church leadership. Since then, it has been used to start conversations during routine home visits by the special ombudsman’s office, police, and other government entities such as the Ministry of the Family, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Women.
CAFTA treaty and Prospect of New US Sanctions Against Nicaragua If this legislation, S.1881 and H.R.6954 were to be approved, it could enable the US administration to impose sweeping new economic sanctions on Nicaragua, but could it fall foul of CAFTA? This briefing looks at the implications.
New sanctions would primarily affect the private sector – not, as the bills state, government officials. They would also inevitably affect other Central American countries as Nicaraguan products are often processed elsewhere. The bills purport to be aimed at the Nicaraguan government and its officials, but practically all of its sanctions would target Nicaragua’s private sector and companies exporting goods to the US.
Nicaraguan exports to the US are very significant, totaling $3.71 billion in 2023, approximately half of the country’s total exports. They are very significant economically in a country with a total GDP of only $17 billion. Sanctions against coffee and meat, for example, could potentially hit around 20% of Nicaragua’s current exports to the US and do major damage to its economy.
Upcoming Events
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition invites you to join our new announcements community on WhatsApp. If you'd like to receive announcements and communications about Coalition events and activities, join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KOKFdhKTZXi0lsrqfKCwrU
June 20 7-9 pm ET: Songs of Struggle in the Americas (Online Song Swap) Live broadcast on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNlDZdVXGF4
June 23: Nicaragua Webinar: Weaponizing Human Rights: An Arrow in the Quiver of Empire with Alfred de Zayas, Professor of International Law in Geneva, former UN Independent Expert on International Order, author of The Human Rights Industry; and John Perry, 20-year Nicaragua resident, prolific author on Central American geopolitical issues. This webinar will examine the ways that human rights can be manipulated for geopolitical ends and used to justify illegal coercive measures like sanctions. To register: bit.ly/NicaJune23
July 6-7 No to NATO, Yes to Peace! NATO 2024 Counter-Summit
July 8: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month 2:30 PM ET. Email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com in advance to access.
July 14-17 Protest at the Republican National Convention. Join contingents against the US blockades and economic warfare on Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua. Contact for more information: Stansfieldsmith100@gmail.com
July 20: (London) The Nicaraguan Revolution 45 years on: global solidarity in a changing world Dr Carlos Arguello, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the Netherlands and Nicaragua's representative to the International Court of Justice (ICJ); Her Excellency Ismara Mercedes Vargas Walter, Cuban Ambassador to the UK; Ruby Cox, Member of the NSCAG Executive Committee; Roger McKenzie, International Editor of the Morning Star
August 19-22 Protest at the Democratic National Convention. Join contingents against the US blockades and economic warfare on Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua. Contact for more information: Stansfieldsmith100@gmail.com
Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations to Nicaragua:
Email casabenjaminlinder@gmail.com to apply:
November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua
February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Archipelago
March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: nicasolidarity.com
Sign up to receive the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition bi-weekly newsletter; email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com
Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (next: July 8) 2:30 PM ET. Email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.
Organizations: Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows.
Listserve: nicanet@googlegroups.com join at groups.google.com/g/nicanet
Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes:https://afgj.org/signup
Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
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