Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition 1.23.2024: Social Advances in 2023; Nicaragua formally requests to join South Africa case against Israeli genocide
Government authorities have held meetings with NGOs, church representatives and individuals to present the booklet from the Ministry of Health entitled “The Right to Choose and the Duty to Respect Diversity,” in an effort to promote the acceptance of diversity of sexual identities in the family and community.
Nica Notes: Nicaragua Social Advances in 2023 In 2023 alone, Nicaragua made huge social advances to improve the wellbeing of the population. These include closing the gender gap, citizen safety particularly for women, continuing to guarantee free health care and education, issuing property titles, expanding renewable energy programs, low interest credit programs and infrastructure development. National electricity coverage was universal, with 70% generation from renewable sources. More than two million forest and fruit trees were planted between May 10 and July 30. Free public pre-schools have multiplied and from the 32 in 2006 to 276, all with trained educational personnel. The 2024 national budget earmarks billions of dollars for social programs. Approximately 80% percent of the resources of Nicaragua’s 2024 budget will be destined to guarantee public health, education, infrastructure, electric energy subsidies and potable water.
At International Court of Justice Nicaragua request to join South Africa case against Israel The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity informs the people of Nicaragua and the international community that today it has filed before the International Court of Justice a request for permission to intervene in the case initiated on December 29, 2023 by South Africa against Israel related to the Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip.
Nicaragua’s decision to request intervention as a state party on the merits of the matter, and not as a simple participant in the interpretation of the Convention, reflects the commitment of the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity and the people of Nicaragua in the liberation of the Palestinian people and humanity in general from the scourge of genocide, and demonstrates its determination to fulfill its obligation to contribute to preventing and punishing the genocidal acts that are being carried out in the Gaza Strip.
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Statement, Letter Sign-on in Support of South Africa’s Genocide Convention Case We are pleased to sign on to the “Letter Calling on States to Support South Africa’s Genocide Convention Case Against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ),” and invites other organizations to do so here. The Nica Coalition firmly supports this effort to stop the US-Israeli genocide against the people of Gaza, as the international community has been demanding for over three months.
Nicaragua’s statement at the Third Summit of the South of the G77+China Key points: 7. To achieve the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the developed countries, the largest emitters, must urgently transform their unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, committing themselves to Climate Justice, as well as to the indispensable Policy of Reparation for our Losses and Damages, converted into direct and unconditional cooperation to ensure the survival of the Human Species, Life and the Rights of Mother Earth.
8. We denounce the imposition of illegal, terrorist unilateral coercive measures imposed by imperialist and neocolonialist countries on more than 30 countries, and consequently, more than two billion people suffer daily the impacts of these aggressions that are an obstacle to the right to development, and negatively impact on the public national policies of our peoples, thus undermining the ability to respond to the multiple world situations and capitalist crises resulting from their selfish, exclusionary and exceptionalist policies.
10. Our unconditional solidarity with the just cause and struggle of the Palestinian People, reiterating the call for the end of the Israeli occupation, the establishment of conditions for a lasting and permanent solution that respects the 1967 borders, leading to the realization of a sovereign and independent Palestinian State.
Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group: La Via Campesina Meets in Colombia La Via Campesina which represents small scale farmers and indigenous peoples is one of the largest grass roots movements in the world. Their international conference in Bogota in December 2023 was attended by more than 400 delegates representing 185 organisations from 83 countries. This included the Rural Workers Association (ATC) in Nicaragua and the Landworkers Alliance in the UK. The Conference proclaimed support for Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba, which continue to face criminal sanctions, smear campaigns and attempted “regime change” promoted by the United States and the European Union. All these unilateral actions in violation of the framework of international law “mercilessly affect the most vulnerable populations and undermine our food sovereignty,” the group said in a statement. The Conference also recognised Nicaragua’s sustainable development in the last 16 years, saying that “The social policies implemented have consolidated full access to basic rights in health, education and food sovereignty, placing this country as one of the best in social investment in Central American. Nicaragua deserves to live and develop in peace after so much suffering from conflict and natural disasters.”
UNAC Conference, April 5-7, St. Paul: “Decolonization and the fight against Imperialism”
Protest at Republican National Convention, July 15-18, Milwaukee
Protest at Democratic National Coalition August 19-22, Chicago
Upcoming Delegations to Nicaragua Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations:
March 2-10: Sindicatos & Solidaridad: Labor Movements in Nicaragua (Meet with unions and labor activists in all sectors from teachers to motorcycle taxis; Tour new hospitals & maternal wait homes with health care workers unions; Visit unionized street vendors at work; a free trade zone factory & meet with unionized workers; low-income housing projects; a women’s coffee co-op; a women’s police station)
June 8-16: Global Health Intensive
July 9-21: Solidarity in Action: Celebrating 45 Years of Revolution in Nicaragua
November 8-17: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua
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