Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition 3.5.2024: Nicaragua’s Responses to latest UN Human Rights Reports attacking the Country; Nicaragua Brings Case to ICJ against Germany for Aiding Israeli Genocide

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Statement: UN Human Rights Council Lends Support to US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua

Sign on in support of statement here. “The report of the Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua (GHREN), released by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on February 28, 2024, is totally biased and should never have been published. The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition submitted detailed evidence to the GHREN on the errors and omissions in their first report. These submissions received no response, nor are they acknowledged in the new report. Clearly, the GHREN takes into account only evidence that is supplied by opponents of Nicaragua’s government… the report is an attempt to use a multilateral human rights body to lend legitimacy to a regime change campaign and to justify further sanctions, which already violate Nicaraguans’ socioeconomic rights and frustrate the achievement of UN development goals.”

Nicaragua responds to the  latest UN Human Rights Council “report”  “In our statements, we have affirmed that we do not accept the manipulation of these forums to show off reports that are supposedly prepared with objectivity or reasonableness, justifying these, with an evident zero concern for our state; when in reality, they seek to continue manipulating these, with the sole purpose of intervening in the internal affairs of our country….May this intervention serve to DENOUNCE again, as we have already done, the lack of integrity and morality of these mechanisms; that rather they should promote the practice of respect, tolerance and peaceful coexistence between nations, guaranteeing the sovereign right of peoples, so that with dignity and independence, they can continue to build their own destiny, in the search for social peace, as well as economic, cultural and social development, which guarantees the common good and the real human rights that Nicaraguan families deserve.”

Nicaragua rejects spurious report of so-called “Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua” “…the inputs they take for their reports are from criteria manipulated by a group of people, who are financed, precisely to distort the reality of our country. These groups have a defined agenda framed in guidelines imposed by imperial powers, whose sole purpose is to distort the advances that the Nicaraguan people have achieved in terms of Human Rights…. we will not accept these self-proclaimed Human Rights experts, so they can use their unilateral and biased reports to issue unrealistic and irrational criteria about the reality of the Nicaraguan people, who are proud of so many achievements and advances in the field of Human Rights, such as, for example, the right to education, health, housing, fight against extreme poverty, legal, citizen and food security, protection of children, women, people with disabilities, the elderly; in short, of the sectors of the population in vulnerable situations.”

In International Court of Justice Nicaragua indicts Germany for complicity in the genocide of Palestinians  “…With all the public news reports and videos of the atrocities available as they occurred, along with the declarations of international officials and with the Order of the Court of 26 January 2024; Germany cannot deny knowledge of the serious illegality of the conduct of Israel, nor can it deny that its knowledge triggered obligations for Germany under international law to prevent genocide, to not aid and assist or be complicit in genocide, and to ensure respect for international humanitarian law and other peremptory norms of international law, such as not rendering aid or assistance and to prevent the illegal regime of apartheid and the negation of the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people.

Germany has provided political, financial, and military support to Israel with the knowledge at the time of authorization that the military equipment would be used in the commission of serious breaches of international law. The German Government has also cut off assistance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which is the primary agency in charge of delivering aid to the Occupied Palestinian Territories…. Germany continues to disregard its obligations, and to actively facilitate violations of the rules of international law by Israel to the severe and immediate prejudice of the Palestinian people, particularly Gazans, and the international community.” Full document indicting Germany for complicity in genocide.

Webinar video “The Evolution of Education in Nicaragua” English Spanish Speakers:  Juan Salvador Mendez, member of the Directors’ Council of the Ministry of Education; and Maria Esmeralda Aguilar, Deputy Director for Vocational Training, National Technological Institute (INATEC). Here are links to the slideshow presentations by the speakers, Juan Mendez and Maria Esmeralda Aguilar:English – Juan Mendez; English – Maria Esmeralda Aguilar; Español – Juan Mendez; Español – Maria Esmeralda Aguilar

Events and Delegations:

Webinar – Sunday, March 24, 3pm ET: Power and Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua This will be a report-back from January delegation members who explored this topic in depth. Speakers are Adrienne Ayers, Krista Chan, and Virginia Pratt, along with delegation leader Becca Renk.

UNAC Conference, April 5-7, St. Paul: “Decolonization and the fight against Imperialism” Nicaragua is sure to be on the agenda. Watch this space for more details as the conference schedule is firmed up.

End all Unilateral Measures in the Americas: Endorse the Americas without Sanctions Campaign  Find more information and send a letter to your Congressperson here:


Upcoming Delegations to Nicaragua Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations: 

June 8-16: Global Health Intensive

July 9-21: Solidarity in Action: Celebrating 45 Years of Revolution in Nicaragua

November 8-17: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: 

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Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (next: March 11), 2:30 PM ET. Email in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.

Organizations:  Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows.

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Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition is an international coalition of organizations and individuals in solidarity with Nicaragua, supporting its sovereignty and affirming its achievements. We are not affiliated with any governmental entity of any nation. We provide accurate, verifiable information and other resources about Nicaragua, and we work to counter misinformation about the country disseminated by the media, public events, and other sources. We share information from a variety of sources, including our personal experiences, in light of Nicaraguan history and current conditions. We publicize activities organized by our members, including international delegations to Nicaragua and webinars with knowledgeable speakers from inside and outside the country. We welcome others to join us.


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition 3.12.2024: Women’s Liberation today: Minister of Women & Attorney for Human Rights; Larcom & Clark-Gollub: More Sanctions Will Deepen US Migration Crisis


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition 2.27.2024: Daniel Ortega speech on the 90th anniversary of the killing of Sandino; Venezuelan President Maduro letter to Daniel and Rosario on Sandino anniversary