Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition 4.23.2024: Stop New US Economic Warfare Measures against Nicaragua!
Urge the Senate Banking Committee to vote NO on new sanctions on Nicaragua! Just one week after Nicaragua argued at the International Court of Justice to defend the Palestinian people from the genocide in Gaza, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations gave its approval to a bill to impose more sanctions on Nicaragua. We must stop the bill from being approved by the full Senate and House! Take action by sending an email to the members of the Senate Banking Committee. (Learn more)
New one-page coalition leaflet about Nicaragua’s accomplishments: This leaflet is useful for handing out at demonstrations, tabling at meetings and conferences. It provides an up-to-date listing of Nicaragua’s accomplishments. Here are some excerpts. Nicaragua:
provides universal and free health care throughout the country, with 24 new hospitals, 182 maternity wait homes, over 3,000 health centers, and dramatic decreases in maternal and child mortality
had the lowest rate of excess deaths in Latin America during the pandemic
has universal and free education from preschool through trade school, university, and professional school
is a pioneer in defending the rights of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, who have communal title to a third of the national territory
is a world leader in gender equality, ranking first for women in parliament, women’s educational achievement, and women in cabinet positions
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: UN Human Rights Council Lends Support to US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua “The report of the Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua, released by the United Nations Human Rights Council on February 28, 2024, is methodologically flawed, biased and should never have been published. This is the second report by the GHREN. The first, published in March 2023, was condemned in a letter signed by many prominent human rights experts and by 119 organizations and 573 individuals. This letter was totally ignored.” A new protest letter was sent this year in response to this second GHREN report. All signers of the present letter are listed in the linked document and on the coalition website.
Washington DC protest April 18 against New Sanctions on Nicaragua The US government’s renewed push to impose sanctions on Nicaragua came just days after it took Germany to the World Court. All signatories to the Genocide Convention have a duty to prevent and punish genocide, and that is what Nicaragua is doing. Germany is Israel’s #2 arms supplier — it is complicit in the Gaza genocide. Nicaragua should be celebrated for its solidarity with the Palestinian people, not punished!
Interview with Ambassador Lautaro Sandino and Jill Clark-Gollub on The Grass is Greener
Margaret Flowers interviews Carlos Arguello Gomez: Nicaragua vs Germany – Palestine Solidarity in Action Nicaragua is a human-rights oriented nation that takes international laws and its obligations under the Genocide Convention seriously. It was the first nation to file a Declaration of Intervention with the International Court of Justice in support of South Africa’s case against Israel and recently filed a case against Germany accusing it of being complicit in Israel’s genocide. Clearing the FOG speaks with Dr. Carlos Arguello Gomez, Nicaragua’s ambassador to The Netherlands and a lawyer with decades of experience in the World Court, about the actions Nicaragua has taken, what they hope will be the result and Nicaragua’s 1984 case against the United States.
Nicaragua Formally Breaks Diplomatic Relations with Ecuador in Solidarity with Mexico After the Ecuador invaded the Mexican embassy in Quito, Nicaragua broke relations with Ecuador, in solidarity with Mexico. ”Given the unusual and reprehensible action carried out this morning in Quito, by forces that should protect the Order and Security of Ecuadorian citizens and their lives, …we…break all diplomatic relations with the Ecuadorian Government… We learned with amazement of the complicity of another recent Ecuadorian Government with the assault on its own Headquarters in London, to violently and illegally extract Julian Assange, a journalist that the World demands and whose work allowed to know and disseminate more the imperialist atrocities in sovereign countries…”
Becca Renk: Nicaragua, The Good Shepherd Yesterday I attended mass. Instead of a priest, the mass was celebrated by Nicaraguan children – 10 fourth and fifth grade students. The kids led the congregation in prayers, passing of the peace, read the gospel and shared a homily. They invited congregants to share reflections on the reading – the Good Shepherd. Just as these children shepherded us through a mass that was every bit as dignified as any mass ever said by a priest, so is Nicaragua shepherding the world. Nicaragua is a small country from the global south that is modeling consistency and dignity – and choosing peace every step of the way. Just in recent days, Nicaragua has: (1) Broken diplomatic ties with Ecuador following its flagrant violation of international law and diplomatic norms when police raided the Mexican Embassy in Quito and forcibly removed former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been granted political asylum by Mexico; (2) Reminded the UN that the U.S. still owes Nicaragua reparations and requested that these now be paid. In 1986, Nicaragua won a case against the United States wherein the International Court of Justice ruled that the U.S. repeatedly violated international law by training, arming, equipping, financing, and supplying the Contra paramilitaries; (3) Brought Germany to the ICJ for aiding and abetting Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people; (4) Summed up its consistent and dignified approach in its message at the Economic and Social Council Forum on monitoring financing for development at the UN…
Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations to Nicaragua:
Email to apply:
November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua
February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Arquipelago
March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition:
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Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (next: May 13), 2:30 PM ET. Email in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.
Organizations: Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows. join
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