Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 1.2.2024: Statement on Palestine; Nicaragua webinars 2020-2023
Nicaragua’s Statement on Palestine to the International Forum against Imperialism, Fascism and Neocolonialism, Teheran, Iran December 23, 2023
Mensaje de Nicaragua en Conferencia sobre Palestina
Foreign Minister Denis Moncada Colindres:
Brother President, Seyyet Ebrahim Raisi, Honorable Foreign Ministers, Special Guests to this Consultative Conference, High Level Policy on the Situation of Palestine.
1. I begin this message with Nicaragua’s position, expressing our fraternal and militant solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just cause. We thank the People and Government of Iran for inviting Nicaragua to this important Conference, we convey the cordial greetings of the Nicaraguan People, the President, Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra and the Vice President Compañera Rosario Murillo.
2. Humanity continues to be outraged and stupefied at the inhuman aggressions, genocide and serious war crimes committed by the Zionist State against the Palestinian population in Gaza and the West Bank, endangering Regional and Global Security and Peace.
3. Failure to comply with the limited ceasefire, the Zionist Government of Israel continues its aggressive attacks, violating the entire system and the International Legal Institutionality, trying to exterminate the Palestinian people in their historical and legitimate territories occupied and divided by the Israeli apartheid Government, disrupting vital infrastructure, with massive and forced displacements and actions to destroy and exterminate the people and homeland of Palestine in its atrocious scorched earth war without quarter.
4. With the systematic massive destruction of homes and other civil infrastructure, the Government of Israel tries to force the Palestinian brothers not to return, not to return to their destroyed homes, to occupy the territory of Gaza and the West Bank to prevent the materialization of the State Palestinian.
5. The Palestinian people are victims of unimaginable atrocities that move, dismay, and outrage the people of this Planet. The atrocities committed by the Government of Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, against innocent children and defenseless women are condemnable, the Government and People of Nicaragua denounce and strongly condemn them.
6. The Government of Israel is becoming a State that is incompatible with the community of States that make up the United Nations. Their supremacist criminality is unparalleled in the history of humanity. The International Community rejects and condemns this atrocious and despicable behavior.
7. Even in multi-crisis situations generated by the hegemonic empires of the West, the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter remain in force, specifically that which states that States will refrain from resorting to threats or the use of force against territorial integrity or independence of another State or any other form incompatible with the Charter, however the Government of Israel transgresses them, converting them into its State policy with the support of the Government of the United States, the United Kingdom and other Western powers interested in control of Palestine’s energy resources and its global geostrategic location.
8. The People and Government of Nicaragua reaffirms its solidarity with Palestine and joins the friendly Peoples and Governments in supporting the immediate ceasefire, cessation of actions and genocidal attacks by the Government of Israel against the Palestinian People in the Gaza Strip. The attacks and bombings on the civilian population must stop immediately, the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians is a vital necessity that cannot be postponed, likewise, the forced displacement of the Palestinian population must stop.
9. The International Community is called to act as soon as possible, to demand solutions in Law and Justice to stop this senseless spiral of violence that is genocide, a war crime, a crime against humanity and a policy of extermination.
10. Those responsible for so much barbarism must answer to the world and the human family for their crimes.
11. The State and Government of Israel is obliged to recognize and respect the Free, Independent and Sovereign State of Palestine and the Governments and Peoples of the Region and the World that demand to live together with common Security for all, Stability and Peace with the State Palestinian being part of the United Nations.
12. The Palestinian People will be victorious in their struggle to materialize the Free, Sovereign, Independent and Self-Determining State of Palestine, recognizing the borders prior to June 4, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its Capital. The Government and People of Nicaragua solidly and firmly support the Palestinian People and their Just Cause for their State, for their Security and for Peace.
Thank you so much.
Nicaragua Webinars 2020
Sept. 13 The Smoking Gun: Recent Revelations about U.S. Destabilization Efforts in Nicaragua. A discussion of RAIN, Responsive Assistance in Nicaragua, a USAID contract leaked from the US Embassy in Managua in July 2020, detailing US plans for destabilization of Nicaragua through the 2021 elections. Speakers: Brian Willson, Coleen Littlejohn, Nan McCurdy, Magda Lanuza.
Oct. 18: Uncovered Violence by the Nicaraguan Opposition. Speakers: John Perry, Stephen Sefton.
Dec. 6: How US Unconventional Warfare in Nicaragua Utilizes Human Rights Organizations. Speakers: Camilo Mejia, John Perry.
Nicaragua Webinars 2021
Jan. 24 Nicaragua’s Popular Economy and Creative Development Model in Tourism. Speakers: Nils McCune, Daniel McCurdy.
Feb. 28 Building Food Sovereignty in Nicaragua. Speakers: Erika Takeo, Jill Clark-Gollub
Mar. 14 US Exceptionalism: Its Story in Nicaragua and Beyond (90 minutes). Speakers: Brian Willson (pre-taped), Kathy Hoyt, Sofia Clark.
Apr. 18 Media Disinformation on Nicaragua: A Tool in US Unconventional Warfare. Speakers: Louise Richards, John Perry.
May 23 Amazing Advances on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast: Discrediting US Media Attacks. Speaker: Nicaragua Ambassador to the US Francisco Campbell, with Rick Sterling’s slideshow presented by Nan McCurdy. Rick Sterling’s pre-recording of his presentation:
June 20 Nicaragua’s Inspiring Economic & Social Advances. Jorge Capelán, Coleen Littlejohn, Winnie Narváez.
July 18 US Intervention in Nicaragua’s Elections Since 1984. Speakers: Chuck Kaufman, Nils McCune.
Aug. 22 What’s at Stake in Nicaragua’s 2021 Elections. Speaker: Sofia Clark.
Sept. 12 Nicaragua Advances, Despite Attacks from Left and Right. Speakers: Becca Mohally Renk, John Perry.
Sept. 23, Special Webinar: Nicaragua and the Defense of its Sovereignty in the Face of Sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its Allies. Speaker: Nicaragua Minister of Foreign Relations Denis Moncada. Brief commentary in response: Jill Clark-Gollub. English: Spanish:
Oct. 10 Nicaragua’s Amazing Advances in Gender Equality. Speakers: Nan McCurdy, Yorlis Gabriela Luna, and Shaira Downs Morgan, President of the Board of Directors, Nicaragua’s Southern Caribbean Coast Regional Autonomous Council.
Oct. 31 US Hands Off! Let the People Decide: Democratic Elections as a Guarantee of Social Progress and National Sovereignty. Speakers: Nan McCurdy, Francisco Dominguez, Netfa Freeman, Sofia Clark.
Nov. 1:The Upcoming Nicaragua Elections: US Hands Off! Let the People Decide
Nov. 15: The Nicaraguan Election and the Ongoing US Campaign to Overthrow the Sandinista Government
Nov. 20 Nicaragua Elections Report-back from On-the-Ground Observers. Speakers: Visitors to Leon Alison Bodine, Jill Clark-Gollub, Becca Mohally Renk; visitor to Chinandega Abraham Marquez; video by Paul Baker; visitors to Bluefields Garrett Harris, Netfa Freeman, Camille Landry; visitors to Bilwi Rick Kohn, Declan McKenna, Craig Pasta Jardula.
Nicaragua webinars 2022 (link)
Nicaragua webinars 2023 (link)
January 21: 3:00pm ET: Nicaragua Webinar on Climate Change, featuring Valdrack Jaentschke, leader of the Nicaragua delegation to COP28 (mark your calendar)
January 27, 2024: Latin America conference in London18th annual conference in solidarity with Latin American progressive movements. Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (NSCAG) will be holding a seminar during the Conference – ‘Nicaragua: The Threat of a Good Example’. Speakers: Roger McKenzie, International Editor, Morning Star; Julie Lamin, Chair, NSCAG Executive Committee and Luis Erick Rodriguez, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the UK. Chair: Tony Burke, Member of NSCAG Executive Committee and Member, London Print Branch UNITE
Upcoming Delegations to Nicaragua Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations:
February 10-19: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Arquipelago
March 2-10: Sindicatos & Solidaridad: Labor Movements in Nicaragua (Meet with unions and labor activists in all sectors from teachers to motorcycle taxis; Tour new hospitals & maternal wait homes with health care workers unions; Visit unionized street vendors at work; a free trade zone factory & meet with unionized workers; low-income housing projects; a women’s coffee co-op; a women’s police station)
July 9-21: Solidarity in Action: Celebrating 45 Years of Revolution in Nicaragua
November 8-17: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua
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