Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 2.4.2025: National Assembly approves New Constitution; Daniel Ortega calls for Defense of Migrants; Economic Outlook for 2025
Daniel Ortega Calls on ALBA-TCP Countries to Defend Migrants’ Rights and Confront Imperialist Policies He noted the US was founded by migrants who arrived in a territory that did not belong to them and then occupied it by force, displacing and killing Indigenous peoples. He emphasized the need to stand in solidarity with migrant communities, which he said are being “trampled” by anti-immigration policies. “We hope that one day this anti-migration trend, which has intensified, will disappear, and that the contribution of immigrants to the economic and productive activity of that country will be valued.” The Nicaraguan president also highlighted that the most powerful “weapon” of the ALBA-TCP is the consciousness and dignity of its people, in the face of what he described as an imperialist campaign led by the US against Latin American and Caribbean nations. “We have a weapon more powerful than the atomic bomb: the consciousness and dignity of our people.”
National Assembly of Nicaragua: New Constitution, New Victories Today, January 30th we seal a new chapter in the history of our Blessed and Forever Free Nicaragua by means of unanimous approval for the new Political Constitution, consolidating our Revolutionary State and strengthening the Model of Direct Democracy, whereby the People are President…In our Constitution we ensure the leading participation of women in the Presidency of the Republic and in all political spheres, expressly complying with gender equity. We recognize the rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples, we reaffirm and protect the achievements of our Revolution that include: the Right to free, quality Health Care and Education, to Culture, Sports and Recreation, to Food and Nutritional Security, to access to basic services such as drinking water, sanitation and energy, to Decent and Secure Housing and to the Promotion of the Creative Economy.
National Assembly of Nicaragua: Revolutionary Power, People are President In the Constitution, defined as laws with constitutional rank are: the “Statute of Autonomy of the Regions of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua", along with the Electoral Law, the Emergency Law and the Constitutional Justice Law.
The Grayzone: Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global US regime change network? Since the re-election of popular leftist Sandinista Front in 2006, Washington has pumped tens of millions of dollars into right-wing media outlets and opposition groups. In tandem, these foreign-funded fifth columnists routinely disseminate disinformation, while inciting violence against the government and its supporters, and influencing Western media reporting on the country. On January 21, an anti-Sandinista “news” operations called Nicaragua Investiga warned that Trump’s order “threatens to deal a severe blow” to the country and its anti-Ortega crusade, “which depends heavily on the financial and technical support provided by agencies” such as USAID. This backing, the outlet declared, was a “fundamental pillar” in the Nicaraguan right-wing’s efforts to undermine and depose the anti-imperialist President.
The Grayzone (John Perry): Central American Bank for Economic Integration banker says US knew of plot to oust him over Nicaragua loans The US government was aware of a campaign to remove a top development banker from power to stop anti-poverty loans to Nicaragua, where Washington sought regime change. Dante Mossi, who headed the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) from 2018 to 2023, denounced a plot by “Costa Rica and Guatemala, with the knowledge of the US… to oust me.” After 2018 the World Bank stopped financing anti-poverty projects in Nicaragua, meaning that the poorest communities lost funding of around $500 million annually. Second, after the US-sponsored coup attempt in 2018, the International Monetary Fund refused to issue Nicaragua emergency loans. Mossi lifted CABEI investments in Nicaragua by 70%, relative to the funding it received under his predecessor. Naturally, this led to pressure from the US. By the end of 2023, CABEI’s annual report showed that Nicaragua was the country with the largest share of CABEI’s project portfolio. It accounted for projects worth $2.29 billion. All of this funding was directed at poor communities. In December, CABEI’s new president concluded her first year in office, during which the bank approved one new project in Nicaragua, for a $130 million plan to modernize drinking water systems in five Nicaraguan cities.
Radio LaPrimerisima: Daniel will deliver more than 2 thousand minibuses and buses “Another piece of good news is that buses and minibuses from the People's Republic of China continue to arrive. This time we are receiving passenger buses, tourist buses,” said VP Rosario Murillo. She said that this week President Daniel Ortega will be delivering minibuses to the departments of Masaya, Chinandega, León and Carazo. 140 minibuses will also be delivered in the departments of Boaco, Granada, Bilwi, Siuna and Bonanza; the tourist buses will be for the Caribbean Coast and the San Juan River.
Central Bank of Nicaragua: Macroeconomic Outlook 2024-2025 The Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN) published a note on the Macroeconomic Perspectives 2024-2025, the BCN expects GDP growth range at 3.5 - 4.5%, with an average unemployment rate of between 3.0 - 3.5%, and reduced the inflation projection range to 3-4%.
February 10: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition monthly zoom meeting, 2:30 PM ET. Email in advance to request Zoom access.
Delegations to Nicaragua 2025:
Casa Ben LinderEmail to apply:
6-16 March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua
May 2025: Co-ops and Communities: Cooperative Movement in Nicaragua
June 2025: Global Health: Family and Community Health in Nicaragua
July 2025: Solidarity in Action: Nicaragua’s Popular Revolution
November 2025: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua
Date TBD 2025: Co-ops and Communities: Cooperative Movement in Nicaragua
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