August 27, 2024: Daniel Ortega ALBA Speech; New NGO law
TeleSur: Nicaragua’s President Rejects Brazil and Colombia’s Stance on Venezuelan Elections Daniel Ortega, reproached the positions taken by his peers from Brazil and Colombia regarding the electoral victory of his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolás Maduro, for which he censured both leaders, Lula da Silva and Gustavo Petro, for being in a “competition” to see which of the two will become the “representative of the Yankees in Latin America.” He described as “shameful” the position that Lula took on ignoring the Venezuelan electoral results and proposing a repeat of the elections. Regarding his Colombian counterpart, Ortega stated: “To Petro, what can I say to Petro? Poor Petro. I see Petro competing with Lula to see who is going to be the leader who is going to represent the Yankees in Latin America.” Ortega assured that “the gringos will never accept the government that was chosen and decided by the Bolivarian people” and that they are very much grieved for the defeat they suffered in Venezuela. Ortega denounced that new ways have been established to chain people and in Latin America the practice has been blackmail with economic aggression. Full speech is here: "There is no way to negotiate with imperialism, because when imperialism seeks to negotiate, it seeks to ensure everything will be in its favor; and if not, then it is already seeking how to destroy governments, seeking how to kill leaders"
TeleSur: Government of Nicaragua Condemns Interference by Washington “Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, the Democratic Republic of Korea, Libya, Syria, Palestine, China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and other sister countries, have fought and continue to resist and winning campaigns of destabilization of their territorial integration and coups d’état euphemistically called also ‘revolutions of color or Arab spring’, financed, armed and run by the US government through the NED and other American agencies that are determined to continue owning the world when they no longer do. Washington has ceased to be the capital of the world,” said Foreign Minister Denis Moncada. The main agenda of the NED is to destabilize governments to bring their countries into the domain of the subjugation of the American empire.
Government of Nicaragua: Partnership Alliances - a new model for NGOs in Nicaragua The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua informs Nicaragua's families that from now on the Non-Governmental Organizations operating in Nicaragua will be governed by a new operating model that we have characterized as “Partnership Alliances.” Each NGO, in compliance with all its legal obligations, will submit to public institutions, through the MINT and/or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic, as the case may be, Specific Proposals for Alliance Programs and Projects, around Particular Topics, according to their organization's mission and/or vocation. The Government and State Institutions may or may not accept the Proposals while ensuring that everything instructed, oriented and stipulated in the Laws of the Republic is complied with.
Al Mayadeen: Nicaragua shutters US Chamber of Commerce, 150 other organizations Nicaragua's government closed 151 nongovernmental organizations on Thursday, including some of the most important trade organizations, days after closing approximately 1,500 NGOs, many of which were religious in nature. Since 2018 US-backed mass protests aimed against him, President Daniel Ortega has targeted nongovernmental groups for receiving foreign funding of participating in what was an attempt to overthrow the Sandinista revolution. To date, his administration has shut down more than 5,000 organizations. This comes after the country passed a regulation requiring non-governmental organizations to work exclusively in partnership alliances with state entities. It is noteworthy that Ortega and several Nicaraguan officials are currently subject to sanctions imposed by both the United States and the European Union.
In 2018, USAID spent $24.5 million in Nicaragua. Its top recipients were the Democratic Leadership Development Program, Municipal Governance Program, and Lifting Nicaraguan Voices Program —programs to help train, cultivate, and fund right-wing opposition leaders.
RT: NED NGO that sank $4.1 million into 2018 Nicaragua protests
1600 Organizations Funded by the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
TortillaconSal: Venezuela election: The “comanditos,”the terrorist network of fascism in Venezuela The comanditos violence in Venezuela, financed by US and European funded NGOs, is very similar to the tranques violence in Nicaragua in 2018 and previous guarimbas in Venezuela. The US intention was to foster a coup as in Bolivia using the 2019 election “fraud” story there. However, in Venezuela, and Nicaragua, the military and police obey the constitutional governments not the US Embassy.
Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations to Nicaragua:
Email to apply:
November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua
February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Archipelago
March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua
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