July 25, 2024: Daniel Ortega Speech July 19; Reports from Nicaragua

President Daniel Ortega’s Speech on July 19, 45th anniversary of the Revolution The Soviet Union, led of course by Russia, despite being a great Power, did not come to settle here so as to take Nicaragua’s wealth, but rather they came here to lend a hand to the Nicaraguan people, so that they could develop and grow. That is the big difference between the great Powers that have been colonialist and neocolonialist, for example the United States or Europe, and they have not stopped being colonialists and they are still neocolonialists, they have not stopped being criminals, they are still criminals, they are still murderers, and we see how in Ukraine they arm the Nazi Forces that the Red Army fought in World War II… the People’s Republic of China which has been bringing Progress, Benefits and Development to the world’s Peoples who were colonized and who became independent, but who were then subjugated under the boot of the interests of the Powers that had colonized them leaving those Peoples in poverty, with people in misery, people going hungry, people in illiteracy, with infant mortality, in Africa, in Asia. And the People’s Republic of China has been developing a policy bringing benefits to Developing Countries, without setting any conditions. So now the great Powers grouped in NATO already have an incipient war which is in the phase of them preparing their own peoples for what they call a threat; that Russia and China are a threat, but then too there are the BRICS, where there is India, and they say they too are a threat. [In Palestine] children are being killed every day, where young people are being killed every day, and the European Governments, the United States Government, meeting in NATO, decide every day to give Israel more and more weapons, to send ever more weapons, so that the Palestinian People continue to be bombed. And this is clearly stated by the rulers of the State of Israel, who want the Palestinian State to disappear… If we go with that philosophy, we should ask for the disappearance of the United States. The first thing that should disappear is that State, which is the greatest criminal humanity has, and not only for going around murdering peoples and occupying Countries, as has happened here in Nicaragua.

Workers World: Long live the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua! We were moved to see a society truly run by the people and in which the well-being of the people is the top priority. The Nicaraguan people are politically conscious, active and powerful, exercising agency over all aspects of Nicaraguan society. We connected with doctors and nurses and joined them in house visits. We saw how they offer holistic, accessible and free health care, ensuring nobody gets left behind or denied. We spoke with high school students who tended their school’s garden and saw how they practiced food sovereignty and taught others in their community to do the same. We heard from the water safety committee and leaders of hydroponic projects who are able to supply their communities with food and water. We saw the uplifting of the Afro-descendant people on the Caribbean coast through cultural autonomy.

The Sandinista government’s primary goal is poverty alleviation. The infrastructure development we saw — newly paved roads, new health clinics, new water treatment facilities and new electrical grids — significantly improved the quality of life, providing the dignity promised by the 1979 victory. We noticed that the people constantly express gratitude for those who sacrificed their lives for the Sandinista revolution so that the Nicaraguan people could live a life of dignity and agency. Every day, people recognize Russia, China and Iran as strong allies who have helped them secure food, medicine and building materials so that they can continue to develop their nation’s infrastructure.


Margaret Flowers speaks with Becca Renk on the 45th anniversary: People Power ends collective suffering Becca describes the changes made during the second period of the Sandinista Revolution and how it compares to life under the neoliberal period. She also describes the nationwide festivities organized to celebrate the anniversary of the overthrow of the Somoza Dictatorship, the ongoing economic war on Nicaragua being waged by the United States and the steps Nicaraguans are taking to protect the revolution.


Gloria Guillo: 45 Years After Its Revolution, Nicaragua Offers the World a Better Way Forward On July 19th, the people of Nicaragua and more than 700 international guests and official delegations from nations around the world celebrated the 45th anniversary of its revolution against the US-installed puppet dictator Anastasio Somoza, and the re-assertion of its sovereignty and independence.

President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo welcomed government representatives and personalities from nations such as Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Brazil, United States, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Dominican Republic, and official delegations from Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Saint Vincent, Russia, Kuwait, Qatar, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Angola, Algeria, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Palestine and South Africa.

This 45th anniversary celebration is not only a momentous occasion from a historical perspective, due to the success of a small, impoverished country prevailing against a wealthy superpower, it also presents a uniting example of hope for people around the world oppressed by the U.S. oligarchy.  That is also why the US oligarchy is still attempting to crush Nicaragua’s social democracy by economic warfare and a barrage of deceitful propaganda vilifying its leaders, obligingly distributed by The New York Times and the rest of corporate press, radio, TV, cable, and social media.

Compared to his Western counterparts, Nicaragua’s Ortega administration is a model in its humanity. Its notable achievements include: providing Nicaraguans with a) fair elections, b) free education from pre-school to trade and technical schools, and the offering of scholarships to university students c) free healthcare d) subsidized housing and land titles e) microloans for private business development. It has also initiated programs to develop infrastructure that ensures all have access to excellent highways, clean water, electricity, and sanitation.




August 11, 3pm ET.  Nicaragua Webinar, "Celebrating 45/19:  Nicaragua's Revolution Lives On" Join us to hear a report-back from participants celebrating the 45th anniversary of Nicaragua's July 19 triumph and ongoing Revolution.  Register for Zoom link at bit.ly/NicaAug11

August 19-22 Protest at the Democratic National Convention. Join contingents against the US blockades and economic warfare on Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua. contact Stansfieldsmith100@gmail.com


Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations to Nicaragua:

Email casabenjaminlinder@gmail.com to apply:

November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua 

February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Archipelago

March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: nicasolidarity.com 

Sign up to receive the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition bi-weekly newsletter; email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com

Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (next: August 12) 2:30 PM ET.  Email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.

Organizations:  Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows.


Listserve: nicanet@googlegroups.com join at groups.google.com/g/nicanet

Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes: https://afgj.org/signup

Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

Twitter: @SolidarityNica

Instagram: @NicaSolidarity





Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition is an international coalition of organizations and individuals in solidarity with Nicaragua, supporting its sovereignty and affirming its achievements. We are not affiliated with any governmental entity of any nation. We provide accurate, verifiable information and other resources about Nicaragua, and we work to counter misinformation about the country disseminated by the media, public events, and other sources. We share information from a variety of sources, including our personal experiences, in light of Nicaraguan history and current conditions. We publicize activities organized by our members, including international delegations to Nicaragua and webinars with knowledgeable speakers from inside and outside the country. We welcome others to join us.


August 6, 2024: President Daniel Ortega - Venezuela’s election; Nicaragua and Flotilla to Gaza; Nicaragua 6th in World in Gender Equity


July 16, 2024:Daniel Ortega approval 82%; 550+ Foreign Guests July 19; Safety in Nicaragua; New US Plan to Demonize Nicaragua