10.8.2024: Nicaragua at the UN; Kris Kristofferson and Nicaragua; Hasenfus anniversary; People’s Tribunal’s Nicaragua Session
Message of Nicaragua, by new Foreign Minister, Valdrack Jaentschke, at the 79th General Assembly of the UN We are not silent, and we will not be silent! We denounce and condemn the genocide that the Government of Israel and its allies in the First World have committed, are committing and seek to continue to commit against the Glorious Palestinian People, against the Brave People of Lebanon, and against so many other Brave, Valiant, Dignified Peoples who do not subordinate themselves when faced with brutality. We denounce and condemn the aggression against Syria, Iran and so many other great and combative Brothers and Sisters on all Continents. We denounce and condemn the occupation and usurpation of the Rights of Peoples and Countries, such as Haiti....We are in solidarity with all the Countries and Peoples affected by the bestiality, the brutality that was unleashed and continues to be unleashed against Our Mother Earth and our Resources, generating what is known today as Climate Change, which is nothing but the selfish plundering of our Planetary Resources.
Declaration of the People and Government of Nicaragua: Solidarity with the Heroic Peoples of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and the entire Dignified Arab World With the firm determination to continue condemning all the crimes against humanity of Zionism and its allies in the First World, our Government of Reconciliation and National Unity once again stands in solidarity with the Heroic Peoples of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and the entire Dignified Arab World which today is experiencing the repetition of the brutality and savagery of war and all its aberrations.
Nicaragua's War Zones with Kris Kristofferson 20 minute film with S. Brian Willson (1989)
Kris Kristofferson song Sandinista from 2011
Norman Stockwell: The exposure of Eugene Hasenfus, captured Oct. 5, 1986 Hasenfus’ plane, carrying US weapons for the contras, was shot down by a young Sandinista. The information on the plane exposed U.S. government involvement in the Contra resupply operation. The US Iran-Contra hearings resulted, which were aired live by Pacifica Radio. Of the 14 persons charged criminally during the investigation, four were convicted of felony charges after trial by jury, and seven pleaded guilty either to felonies or misdemeanors. Two cases that were awaiting trial were aborted by pardons granted by President WH Bush, who eventually pardoned six of the key figures in 1992.
Radio Primerisima: Nicaraguan Economic growth estimated at between 3.5-5% in 2024 The Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Bruno Gallardo, estimated a growth between 3.5 and 5% of the Nicaraguan economy by the end of 2024. In addition, he stressed that inflation has remained under control and that international reserves are strengthened, which will help mitigate poverty and attract foreign investment. He highlighted the economic achievements of 2024, such as the support of the International Monetary Fund and the renewal of a line of credit of 200 million dollars from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI). "The country's payment capacity is reflected in its good credit rating, positioning itself among the first places in Latin America," Gallardo said.
Nicaragua Hearing: International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism June 2023 Begins with testimonies of some who fought against Somoza and later against the contras. History of US interventions in Nicaragua, including 50,000 killed by the US contra war. Nicaragua taking US and Germany to the International Court of Justice. Former Minister of Finance Ivan Acosta on the effects of US economic warfare on Nicaragua’s development during both Sandinista governments.
Internationalist 360: Southern Command’s Richardson Attacks China and Russia in Latin America Laura Richardson, leader of the U.S. military’s Southern Command, recently called for the development of a new “Marshall Plan” in Latin America to counter the growing influence of Russia and China. Richardson’s call reflects the deep concern of the US over the undeniable loss of geopolitical and economic influence in Latin America. Richardson particularly targets Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. Although she presented the proposal at the forum as a “humanitarian aid” and economic reconstruction effort, it is essentially an attempt to counter the growing presence of emerging powers of the multipolar world in the region. According to her, regional leaders do not see US investment. In contrast, “all they see are Chinese cranes and Belt and Road Initiative projects.”
Declaración Conjunta de organizaciones de América y de Europa sobre las actividades del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas contra Nicaragua y su Pueblo Somos organizaciones con sede en América, Europa y otras partes que trabajamos en solidaridad con la revolución sandinista de Nicaragua y con el pueblo nicaragüense. Nos oponemos firmemente a las acciones tomadas por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas (CDHNU) en apoyo a los planes de cambio de régimen de Estados Unidos en Nicaragua. Nos referimos específicamente a los informes del Grupo de Expertos en Derechos Humanos sobre Nicaragua (GHREN), publicados por el CDHNU en marzo de 2023 y febrero de 2024. Hacemos un llamado al CDHNU a revocar estos informes y dar por terminado el trabajo del GHREN.
Joint Statement by organizations in the Americas, Europe and beyond on the actions by the UN Human Rights Council against Nicaragua and the Nicaraguan people We are organizations based in the Americas, Europe, and beyond who work in solidarity with Nicaragua’s Sandinista revolution and with the Nicaraguan people. We strongly oppose the actions taken by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in support of US regime-change plans for Nicaragua. We refer specifically to the reports of the Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua (GHREN), released by the UNHRC in March 2023 and February 2024. We call on the UNHRC to rescind these reports and terminate the work of the GHREN.
October 13 webinar: “Attempted Coups in Venezuela & Honduras: Their Meaning for Nicaragua & Beyond” REGISTER HERE Or type in bit.ly/NicaOct13 The speakers will counter the primary falsehoods and discuss the effect of US-sponsored coup operations on Nicaragua and other nations. Venezuela suffered an attempted coup over the July 28 presidential election; the violence was quickly ended, but the conflict continues with the US and its allies. In Honduras, President Xiomara Castro terminated the extradition treaty with the US over allegations of “narco-trafficking,” which the US planned to use against Honduran leaders. Castro is the current president of CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States); a coup against Honduras could also be considered a coup against CELAC.
Featured speakers: Dr. Francisco Dominguez, senior lecturer at Middlesex University, head of the Research Group on Latin America; National Secretary Venezuela Solidarity Campaign UK; co-author of Right-wing Politics in the New Latin America (Zed Books)
Adrienne Pine, Associate Professor (retired), American University; board member of Alliance for Cuba Engagement and Respect (ACERE), the Venezuela Solidarity Network, and US Peace Council; author of many articles and books, including Anatomy of a Coup: An Inquiry into the Embodiment of Militarized Capitalism (PM Press, forthcoming) and Sobrevivir Honduras (Casasola Editores)
October 14: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition monthly zoom meeting, 2:30 PM ET. Email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com in advance to request Zoom access.
October 18-20 Nicaragua Solidarity Meeting in Leverkusen, Germany Supporters of the Sandinista Revolution in Europe will come together at the Karl Liebknecht School of the DKP in Leverkusen. So far, the “Comité Europeo de Solidaridad con la Revolución Popular Sandinista” (CES-RPS) has received more than 30 registrations, mainly from Denmark, France, Spain, Catalonia, Switzerland and Germany.
Solidarity with Sandinista Nicaragua has waned considerably over the years, which is something that Nicaragua, which dared to accuse the Federal Republic of Germany of aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza before the International Court of Justice, does not deserve. The constant discrediting of the Nicaraguan government by the mass media of the "values-based West" has also left its mark on the left-wing solidarity movement. Consistently anti-imperialist forces, who are not deterred by contra-propaganda, continue to organize solidarity with this small Latin American country, which, together with Cuba and Venezuela, forms the heart of the ALBA states.
The "Comité Europeo de Solidaridad con la Revolución Popular Sandinista" has invited meetings in London in 2022 and in Madrid in 2023 to give new impetus to solidarity activities in Western Europe and to coordinate them. This year the meeting will take place in Germany, at the Karl Liebknecht School of the DKP in Leverkusen. The list of international participants is long, including the Irish singer and songwriter Pól Mac Adaim. The meeting will be held in memory of the internationalists Berndt Koberstein and Tonio Pflaum, who were murdered by Contras, and the FSLN official Jacinto Suárez, who died in 2020. Anyone who would like to take part still has the opportunity to register: solidaridad.europea.rps@gmail.com
Casa Ben Linder 2024 Delegations to Nicaragua:
Email casabenjaminlinder@gmail.com to apply:
November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua
February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Archipelago
March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: nicasolidarity.com
Sign up to receive the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition bi-weekly newsletter; email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com
Listserve: nicanet@googlegroups.com join at groups.google.com/g/nicanet
Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes: https://afgj.org/signup
Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
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