Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 11.14.2023
Daniel Ortega’s address on the anniversary of the Somocista killing of Comandante Carlos Fonseca; US sanctions hit Nicaragua’s social investment programs.

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.26.2023
Nicaragua Speaks at the United Nations

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.19.2023:
“The enemy [Global North] wants to control our land and impose its hegemony on the entire world, and behold it confronting China violently because it stands against hegemony.”

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter September 5, 2023:
Daniel Ortega: the BRICS Group is a Big Blow to Imperialism

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter July 25
The 44th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista revolution in 1979.

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter. June 20, 2023
Five years after the violent coup attempt in Nicaragua, the country is celebrating its recovery