Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 11.14.2023
Daniel Ortega’s address on the anniversary of the Somocista killing of Comandante Carlos Fonseca; US sanctions hit Nicaragua’s social investment programs.

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.26.2023
Nicaragua Speaks at the United Nations

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.19.2023:
“The enemy [Global North] wants to control our land and impose its hegemony on the entire world, and behold it confronting China violently because it stands against hegemony.”

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 9.12.2023
Threat of Elliott Abrams; September events; Future Nicaragua Delegations

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition newsletter August 29, 2023
This is no substitute for actually visiting … come to Nicaragua and see for yourself what is going on.

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter August 22, 2023
Why the Nicaraguan Government Nationalized the Jesuit University

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter August 1, 2023
Why We Should Defend Nicaragua Against US Disinformation and Sanctions.

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter. July 19, 2023
Hear from visitors to Nicaragua for the 44th anniversary celebration of the Revolution.

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter. July 11, 2023
President Biden appointed notorious neoconservative war criminal Elliott Abrams as an advisor for “public diplomacy”.

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter.June 27, 2023
World Economic Forum Ranks Nicaragua 7th of 146 Countries in Women’s Rights

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter. June 20, 2023
Five years after the violent coup attempt in Nicaragua, the country is celebrating its recovery

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Newsletter. June 13, 2023
First Fair Trade Agreement in the World & How the US Tried to Destroy It